Mr James Stevenson's Profile:

Mr James Stevenson has 6 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 971 times.

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6101 Penn Ave,
United States of America, PA, Pittsburgh,
HospitalBuzz is a directory of all major hospitals and surgical centers in the United States. HospitalBuzz aggregates reviews on each medical facility, as well as the reviews and metrics aggregated by the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services.  HospitalBuzz was born from a simple idea: there is no single website that aggregates reviews from across the web on hospitals. There are plenty of resources available on individual doctors, but none on the facilities where they perform surgeries. Often, where you have your surgery is as important to outcomes as the doctor you choose. So there should be a resource site available with the latest information from the Center for Medicaid and Medicare services, as well as reviews from other online sites merged into one report for each hospital.
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Health and Fitness (5) Home and Family (1)